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Hello, my name is Scott, you may know me from school I sit right in front of you

Some of my interests include: Computers, Math, Science, Movies, Simpsons, cool music.

As always, this site is NEVER

Now you know i like cool movies, so if you do too, then visit my kick ass movie page.

I'm sure that not many of you know that I am interested in making short films (but with a video camera). I think it is fun. I haven't really made to many films though. ;( All i have so far are two short, less than 5 minute, pieces. One is about a killer sock monkey, that kills me. And the other is an emergency room comedy, filled with eye popping 3D special effects. Well, actually, there are no special effects. I don't think that 3D special effects would be good for a emergency room video though. Fortunately soon I will have something with plenty of volume to direct. My friend came up with an idea to make an espionage film. And we have found an excellent screenwriter for our feature. She has worked very hard to write a complex plot filled with plenty of twists and turns along with comedic dialogue to provide a hilarious yet deeply involving story. I will keep you updated on our project as things progress.
UPDATE: August 5, 1998
UPDATE: August 9, 1998. Photos from the quarry we might have in our feature.

If you have not guessed it already, thats me...

no, a little more to the left...

thats right! the little guy sitting in his ear and stuck up his nose

Oh wait a second....that's not me, that's Lars, my ex-German exchange student!!!!! My bad!

Do you like my site yet?

Email me at:
[email protected]

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This site is not property of the HTML author, and by no means reflects the values of whatever the name of this webpage server company is. But this is a cool place, they are offering 20 megs online now. I guess I'll use up all those megs very soon, as for I am a memory hog. Goodnight. Why are you reading this.